On Love


When I started reading in English, I picked up the Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. The characters are nested in a world of cartoonish reality. Like most books with symbolic characters, it haunts me deeply because the characters have no pluralistic lightthey are so orchestrated that besides their intrinsic representation, they are saturated of other identifying personalities. Again, I didn't understand then that literature can appear in whichever form it demanded to be. Here is my second read of the aviator's prized work, The Little Prince

I wrestled with the idea of love between the Rose and the Little Prince. 

"It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important." 

The Little Prince discovers the sprouting rose, waters her, and tends to her with the most tender hands. She blossoms under his care, yet her stubbornness, pride, entitlement, and vanity repel him. The love he provides to the rose is not reciprocated, and he leaves his planet to travel afar. However, he had never been parted with his love for her. 

In his travels, the prince discovers that his Rose is not special nor is he. However, Saint-Exupery punctuates that the prince had dedicated time and responsibility to the Rose. It is not because she radiates from all other roses nor because she is perfect, but because of the intertwining fates and opportune moments savored by both. She loved him, for she withered without his presence.

Love requires dedication, so be not afraid of dedication.

When the snake (Christ figure) had come to the Prince in the desert (Christ figure x2), the snake tells the Prince that he will return home once he is bitten. The little prince knew it was a lie. However, he dearly missed his Rose and went forth to let the snake bite him. The act of committing suicide (Christ figure x3) was made subtle, but it was apparent upon my second read. 

Here is a profound mental landscape crafted within a puerile framework. I shudder every time I realize how disproportionally this story sits upon an innocent platform. 

Nonetheless, I'd like to think he is reunited with his Rose, on his small and symbolic planet. 


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