It is by tradition that I ought to write a long-winded statement about another year passing and produce some grand adage which should overview my 2021; what good should it bring? I would rather hang useless words by my windowsill to ineffectively defend my artless character. 

And so, with my lagging trackpad and mouse low-on-battery, I crank out the last bit of due ingenuity of a humanities-aspiring STEM student. Who can not dream? 

I need to severe ties with events that agitate, do away with images that no longer connect, impose thresholds that have been breached over the years. 

I find myself waiting for a conclusive sentence, for until then I will have no definitive judgment nor stable evaluation of my next act. I must trade impulsiveness for mellowness, allow time to slip me hints that I may have otherwise dashed past. 

Most interactions and contacts can be summarized to a collage of reactions. I hope to react even less and inquire more. There is truly no time for reactions. I will drain of personality if I do. 

Beautiful objects, if existing by chance, then are in proportions with objects that deem "not beautiful". It is only if they are of substance and craftmanship, that they become rare. If it is the component of rarity that makes it beautiful, then one must re-evaluate whether one truly sees beauty if it becomes abundant. 

I dreamed all year. The Artifice, museums, Jane Eyre... From these defining pages I became certain that life's meaning is to develop a scope to appreciate art, bathe in the sunlight of poetry, and dwell within the realm of science. This is all that a student can ask for. 

In this next year, I want to learn from and work for my tangible goals. Here is my last and 58th blog entry of 2021. 


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