DAO notes

Democratizing Pharmacy 

1. Seeking to increase the efficiency of alternative drugs to treat COVID, by primarily reducing inflammation.

2. Example of treatment of cystic fibrosis, which costs $300/dosage, can be reduced using blockchain to be applied to big pharma. This would require small investors to solve patient needs by outletting to DAOs to make specialized drugs through IPOs and secondary markets. 

3. For 40B in Drug R&D, the pipeline follows scientists who make target gene discoveries drugs, the drugs are patentable but publications are not claimable. In cancer therapy treatment, there have been attempts at patenting the 7 versions of inhibiting the PD1 pathway. 


Incentivizing climate action via Regenerative Cryptoeconomics 

1. Cumulative global emission of gigatons of CO2 (GtCO2) per year, which is > 2 degrees more than precedent historical trends. 

2. What if we can manage the Carbon Markets, and thereby implement climate action? Is it beneficial to mitigate hierarchy by changing business practices? 

3. What is greenwashing? Why is it bad?

4. Carbon offset Project (removal vs. reduction) See Respira 

5. High-quality avoidance credits moved to increased removal credits 

7. Voluntary Carbon Market needs to grow 15x bigger by 2030. 

8. Transparency of the carbon credit is the faith in public blockchains: instant purchases, deep liquidity (perpetuated by sufficient buyers and sellers), a democratized access, high-frequency trading and price-discovery, and more off-chain issuing credits



1. Create self-sustaining, self-governing settlement on the moon by 2030. Buying the nation-agnostic, claiming the moon for the citizenry of earth, with 220M capital formation.

2. What are Consitutional DAOs? 

3. Direct access into the space economy, capital allocator governed by and benefited by token holders. 

4. Dear Moon Project, SpaceX rockets are aiming for 100+ people, in partnership with Biobank (Lifeship)

5. Creating lunar settlements and sending a second astronaut to the moon Interestingly, this idea will be a part of a feature film.

6. StudioDAO is a collective dedicated to the essence of content in crowdsourced media. Consumers' dollars turn into content, and JuiceBox DAO was the "mother" entity that garnered $180M in funding in the first year. Tokenize contribution, ERC20 then turned NFTs.

7. Wallets are not user-friendly, and difficult to onboard to meta mask wallets and e-commerce. Not enough money to educate people to follow steps to perform account-building, one organization is eventive for onboarding

8. Need to seed fund projects by giving to the community and force flow. 


DaoLens, MIDAO, CityDAO

Werner Dilger mentioned DAO in the field of cybernetics, is an intelligent home system that operated a self-sustaining system. 

1. Institutional economics as a digital organization

2. Ethnographic practices see DAOs as a cultural phenomenon


Legal Wrappers & Jurisdictional Differences for DAOs (Sven Hermann, Niklas Anzinger, Jalphy Laurent)

Patent laws are prohibitive, and open-source projects are intellectual properties that push the boundaries of businesses. The best place to start DAOs is perhaps not in the US now, with federal laws overarching the entire financial system. 


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