The Sonnets of Orpheus

A close friend gifted me Rilke's "The Sonnets of Orpheus", and I am compelled to document these sagacious lines. You are what you read, after all. 

Second elegy--- 

"Even his downfall was merely a pretext for achieving his final birth."

Recently a series of happy happenstances led to a long-coveted outcome, and I may not have the appropriate judgments to decipher its future trajectory I certainly must regard it intently. Historians have difficulty demarcating one period of time from another, reaching a consensus only blearily. So how do we demarcate our microscopic and noise-infiltrated lives with tags like "pretexts" and "postscripts"? The answer is to change grandly and constantly, to initiate large changes faster than the rate of change life impels upon you. Make sweeping and not seeping changes, thus filtering out noise and quotidian coincidences that the mundane crowds experience. 

Third elegy--- 

"This is what fate means: to be opposite, to be opposite and nothing else, forever"

I see what this could mean. If fate is an excuse, it would better be an opposition to every branching explanation presented to us. To present the unpredictable with a definitive meaning is to give solace to the uneasy mind. Fate is a cosmic understanding, a vast network of underpinnings we have surrendered to. My unruly cognitive terrain gives respect to fate, to the opposition, and to the solutionless solution. 

Tenth elegy---

 "And they look in wonder at the regal head that has silently lifted the human face to the scale of the stars, forever"
"Don't be afraid to suffer, return that heaviness to the earth's own weight; heavy are the mountains, heavy the seas."
"Know and be still. Inside the Double World, all voices become eternally mild"

"All things want to fly. Only we are weighed down by desire, caught in ourselves and enthralled with our heaviness"
"And if the earthly no longer knows your name, whisper to the silent earth: I'm flowing. To the flashing water say: I am." 
"The New, my friends, is not a matter of letting machines force out our handiwork. Don't be confused by change; soon those who have praised the "New" will realize their mistake. For, look, the Whole is infinitely newer than a cable or a high apartment house. The stars keep blazing with an ancient fire, and all more recent fires will fade out. Not even the longest, strongest of transmissions can turn the wheels of what will be. Across the moment, aeons speak with aeons. More than we experienced has gone by. And the future holds the most remote event in union with what we most deeply want"


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